website will be active until
March 31, 2021
use Ctrl-F5 to update this page
Construction Index
- My
original theremin design is not easy... only because we are human and
make mistakes -
The Vactrol VTL5C1 is
found on ebay

are never done before Phoenix Theremin concepts
1. The Becker Electrodeum is a parallel tuned electrode
or Pitch Antenna for ideal Pitch Field Linearity.
2. The
use of L3 - 3.3 mh
choke to sense the inductive field from coils L1 & L2.
This approach eliminates the need for buffer components with more
control over the audio wave shape.
3. The use of
the VO618A opto-isolator feedback with the 600 ohm 1:1 transformer to
enhance the sound.
Thermal Drift Control - This is done with Pot-3 by balancing the
voltage drop across both transistors. Most drift comes from the PN
junction capacitance.
View Latest Updated Phoenix Board -
- Someone Else's
Good Webpage -

Click on Picture to
A $75 single board construction can be either a Pitch Board or Volume

The 10
light tan capacitors on the left side oscillator section are
except C7 & C31 are 100pf,

Graphic of
Actual Parts Locations
Latest Board
Below is the Latest Board
with Every Modification

Click on Image to Enlarge
Image above the
long yellow wire is on Volume & Pitch Board, Add switch on Volume
Board on yellow wire for Mute.
Pink wire with
Pot-2 50k Timbre1, Pot-1b 50k both Timbre2 on Pitch Board only.
The green wire is on both
Pitch & Volume
Components not on
the original 3.04.20 PCB are Marked in Red
The Blue
indicates a value change.
- Every yellow
line must be a wire jumper or the actual component to work properly -