the line level audio signal through a CdS cell
This could be wired
up on a generic pcb board. The LED and Cell can be placed inside a
3/16" id, 1.3" long black piece of surgical
tubing. The
tube flexibility allows better control over shading.
This is soft so your finger can pinch off the light passing
through for natural volume quieting. You want to use a CdS Cell
with a high off resistance, 1M
ohm is typical.
This could mimic an actual volume loop sound perfectly.
image below shows a small circuit board "the manual finger
volume" placed next to the Popper
Button. In practice either method/finger can cutoff the
theremin sound with much greater attack than a volume loop.
This is due to the little distance traveled by a body movement
to achieve the results Possibly
the LED
& CdS
mounted in a support with a wrap around elastic
wrist band
would be effective for finger pressing. |