Software Theremin Pitch Tuner with
a Fast Response.
Display - precision notes - amplitude - frequency - basic wave shape.
It makes use of any Win 98 to Win 8.1 computer using the microphone input
of a sound card.
Download the tuner
v1.3 (286k)
Visit William Andrew
Steer PhD for his other well thought out and interesting programs.

Some sound cards invert the scope trace.
favorite method in using this tuner is to place an AM
Radio underneath the Pitch side of your theremin tuned to the
theremin AM frequency, listen for the theremin tone as you
tune. For the EtherWave Standard this frequency is
around 572 kHz & 858 kHz. Then feed the
radio earphone jack output into the computer sound card. This
way the signal is constant and the volume control has no
affect on the signal strength driving the display.
Most likely
your AM radio jack is not stereo and you will need to a use
mono male TS
at the radio to female TRS
adapter on the opposite side for the TRS
cable to plug into. The sound card must use a TRS
stereo cable or it shorts it out.
have a need to make things appear complicated, that is how
they make their money".
this can be done for Free!
If the sampled audio is too weak or not clean the display remains dim. If the input signal is too loud
into the computer input then
the display is red. The theremin is a
perfect sound source for this software.
Use the radio volume control to set the be level into the
sound card and this tuner program.
Validate the Pitch Field with the above Tuner and
a print out of the piano scale below.
I Created a PDF file to print one octave
with the spacing of a piano keyboard, I then tape three graphics together on a wooden yardstick to make a
reference strip between me and my theremin antenna.
Three of these strips end to end make a good three octave reference.

Theremin antenna tuning and octave spacing is not a conversation your going to
readily find on the internet. It is a difficult subject to technically
understand and control. Most Thereminist learn to play within non-linear
pitch fields, adapting and remaining with a specific playable theremin model.
Until perfect pitch linearity comes about on all theremins, there will be large
playing control inconsistencies from model to model.
Why do so many people prefer the Moog EtherWave Pro? It plays with the
comfort found
in a linear pitch field. I don't know if it is ever mentioned publicly in Moog
circles but people have sent me emails that they did not like the
original sound of the Pro out of the box.