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Wood Enclosure

How to drill precise locations for the holes

Template PDF 194k 
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Not every hole needs to be drilled

Cut away the two corners, "accurately" fold down on the line on three sides with the text facing outward

The template is designed using a board space of .2", if your standoff is taller add the difference above the +.

With the template in position, wrapped around the back side of the box, center punch each hole of choice at the indicated with a nail or center punch, tap with a hammer. Remove template and drill at the appropriate drill locations with the "proper drill sizes".

Wear safety glasses  Notes by Dana (SewerPipe)
The 1/2" holes A B C are a must for the main cables.

1. Use the 2 fluted (flat) spade type wood bits
for the 1/2" holes.
2. Clamp a scrap piece of wood to the back side of hole location.
This will minimize the wood “splintering” at break through.
3. If using hand drill, carefully clamp the “Box” in a bench vice or clamp to bench.
4. Use “Both” hands on drill motor. Run slow to medium RPM.

The Null tuning shaft extender can face out of the box in either direction depending on the direction you mount the Pot-4 on the circuit board. Preferably away from the antenna side.

The Tuning Pot 1/4" shaft  extender size uses a 3/8"hole. 

A wood thread insert can be installed at the short pot location using a 7/16" (3/8") hole for the tripod 1/4-20 mounting screw.  Wood Thread Insert  Lowes

Drilling the 3/8" hole a bit larger at 7/16" for the thread insert was recommended from product user comments. Also recommended was to thread a 1/4-20 bolt through the insert with double nuts to lock it in place while inserting it.

The thread insert can be placed on the narrow side of the box mounted against the tripod, then turn the tripod to have the broad side facing an audience. You could also cut a 3" x 2.5" x 1/2" piece of wood, add the insert and glue this to the back of the box for tripod mounting. The thread insert works better than a T-Nut which is often be too long or short. Thread inserts are adjustable so the female threads are  flush with the mounting surface.

Dana is studying a Mute switch location and a different Lev Antenna mounting technique so hang around. Their locations on the box will be added to the template. 

Velcro or screw mount the two plastic antenna holder brackets to box or ?

After drilling holes check the alignment of the PCB Jacks to the box holes, if not accurate read Dana's Notes below.

The board is placed in the wood box with nickels in place to match the template for positioning and gluing.
The holes are not yet drilled in this photo

Stand-off stud & screws are staggered at the board score. The three required Jacks are shown, Mount with extra lead length (1/2") for C10 to move it outside for clearance of the J2 cable and extra for C3 to be used as a test connection. Nickels are used with masking tape so the board position is accurate for gluing the mounting studs. Firmly (not tight) attach the five screw/studs to the PCB before gluing into position. Apply epoxy around the stud edges for adhesion to the wood base while avoiding the screw threads.

It is important the aluminum screw is first threaded into a #8 steel nut and the aluminum studs have a #8 steel screw threaded through them. This is to clean contamination off the threads, the aluminum pieces together slightly dirty can seize together! Test each combo before securing them to the board. Finger tighten firm.

Dana's Notes: (SewerPipe)

By following these steps the position of the PCB placed in the box can be “Shifted” a slight amount, the Plugged in cables help  “Align” the PCB in the best position for off centered holes.

1. Mount stand-offs (screw/studs) to the printed circuit board, finger firm but "not" tight (no epoxy yet)

2. Place PCB in the box and study the position and fit. (no epoxy yet) 

3. Plug the cables into the Jacks through the drilled out holes B C (F if used) in the wood box.

4. Proceed if you have proper clearance, otherwise you may need to elongate one of the holes for a better fit. 

5. Unplug the cables from the Jacks and lift out the PCB and apply the epoxy around the bottom edges of the stand-off studs with a Q-Tip, avoid the threads.

6. Place the pc board back in its proper position, plug in the cables at B C (F if used) and position the board.

7. Carefully weight down the PCB and let the epoxy cure overnight.

   Using jacks/plugs can help position the PCB in its final location for gluing if your holes did not have precision alignment.

From Amazon Purchase two of the shorter boxes shown beneath the longer one - $11 ea.

This needs study, if the longer box is used it leaves a space for a pitch preview amp or something? (-'   To use the same drill hole template unmodified the add-on accessory could occupy the top portion of the enclosure box away from the L2 antenna side.

Template needs + for a Mute Switch location, needs some study. (-'

Possibly two holes by the Vactrol, one for the green LED-1 which also indicates Muted when off and switch up Un-Mutes. Needs study.

The same two holes on Pitch board one could be for the red LED-2 which allows proper Null point distance setting when Volume is Muted. The second hole for ?  

Using the side mounting allows the back side of the enclosure to face the audience as an ideal surface to mount a wood carving or something artistic.


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