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Old Temecula Makers

 Never pass up a bathroom

       Never waste a hard-on

             Never trust a fart  

             From the "Bucket List"


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- With every project I start, I am fishing to see if there is any interest... Local makers or avant garde musicians let me know -

This project could use many skills -> mechanical, electronic, musicianship, artistic, etc.
With a little input from everyone, we could each have a beautiful singing apparatus.

Lazy Susan
A Hands On Theremin
by oldtemecula

Click on any photo to see a larger version

Another method I have in mind is a pendulum setup, moving it forward raises the pitch.

6.21.15  The authentic theremin is a musical instrument played without touch anything. This added difficulty is what limits most from pursuing it's beauty and making horrible music they think is good or just making noise.

This is where the Lazy Susan or pendulum approach might change things. The layout  will visually show where the musical notes are while keeping a fluid motion. This will develop over time and I will share what I discover as the idea improves. For those familiar with the Electro-Theremin visit me and my friend Paul Tanner here.

This musical instrument is developed around my Opto-VCO oscillator circuit found at this link. Many things can be built around the 555 oscillator.

Watch this video below, amazing in its own right... what if you could do this with the Lazy Susan. The sound is enhanced using an add-on box called a Talking Machine. The main issue is everyone sounds the same using it.




